김종규 (고려대학교 불어불문학과). 1997. 한국어 동사의 정신역학적 연구. Language Information . Volume 1. 193-217.


The goal of this study, carried out in the framework of psychomechanics, is to contribute to the study of the psychosystematics of the verb in Korean. Based on the theory of "aires glossogeniques" proposed by Gustave Guillaume, Korean verbs are examined, after which definitions of the formative elements involved in its composition are proposed. The lexical morphology of the Korean verb, which is to be related to the verbal base, may appear in discourse either as a simple root, or as a root expanded by various derivational prefixes and suffixes. On the other hand, the grammatical morphology of the Korean verb can be traced in discourse to a varying number of formative elements. Some of these appear systematically in the verbal forms, and others only when required by the enunciative context, or by the particular type of syntatic construction of which the verb is part.