황화상 (고려대학교 민족문화연구원). 2002. 한국어 형태소 분석에서 형태소 분리의 방법에 대하여 - 다음절 접사 정보와 음절 사전의 활용 (On the Division of Syntatic Word to Morhpeme in the Process of Korean Morphological Analysis). Language Information. Volume 5. 115-137.



  The purpose of this study is to investigate the division of Eojeol(=Syntactic Word) to morpheme in the process of Korean morphological analysis. In Korean Language the target of morphological analysis is Eojeol, which consists of one lexical morpheme(=root) and more than one grammatical morpheme(=affix). Each morpheme in Korean Language is multi-syllabic, and two morphemes(or a part of morpheme) can be fused in one syllable. Therefore it is important to divide Eojeol into morphemes on the design of Korean Morphological Analyzer. In this study we will investigate the division of Eojeol using multi-syllable information of an affix and morphemic fusion information of an syllable