윤재숙 (고려대학교 언어정보연구소). 2007. 일본 근대교과서의 문법적 특징 연구 (The Study on the Grammatical Characteristics of Pre-Modern Japanese Textbooks). Language Information. Volume 8. 69-89.



  This paper examines the grammatical characteristics of Japanese textbooks during the process of establishment of Modern Japanese. The material examined in this paper are pre-modern Japanese textbooks which are subdivided into two: ones before and after government intervention. First, the Japanese textbooks before government intervention were investigated. In order to analyze how the Japanese grammar was standardized and popularized, this paper first checks the relationship between textbooks before government intervention and grammar based on colloquial speech, which was considered as the standard grammar by the government at the time. The comparison between textbooks before government intervention and grammar based on the colloquial speech led to the advent of Japanese textbooks made under the supervision of Japanese government. This paper examines the characteristics of Japanese textbooks after government intervention. The textbooks belonging to the first period show that pre-modern (non-standardized) expressions were used with modern ones.  It has been clearly observed that from the books belonging to the second period, the grammar was standardized. This paper advances the claim that the grammar education of the Japanese textbooks after government intervention has a big impact on the formation of modern Japanese given the fact that Japanese textbooks made under the supervision of Japanese government was effectively used in standardizing and popularizing the Japanese grammar, which is surely believed to be a crucial foundation for the formation of modern standardized Japanese grammar.



Key words: Modern Japanese, standardization of Japanese grammar, Pre-modern Japanese, Japanese textbooks, Japanese language education